Do you know what internet activities are illegal in your country?

Online censorship is the latest battleground in the fight for freedom of information, and every country is handling it differently. Russia restricts access to political media, while Finland – their neighbor across the border – only restricts torrents. Some countries’ rankings are obvious (we all know the UK and USA  have relatively few internet restrictions), although others come as more of a surprise. Many different elements can determine a governments’ desire to restrict access in their country. For example, the blanket ban on all internet access in North Korea is strongly related to a fear of its populous understanding life outside of the closely guarded country. China, Taiwan, and Vietnam restrict internet access for political reasons, while countries like Syria, Saudi Arabia, and Yemen have religious motives. Whatever the reason, it is good to know what your country’s policy is. Check out the map below to see what’s restricted in your country, and compare it to other countries to see where you rank in the world of online censorship.


Online Censorship  A Global Map   Ranking of Every Country s Internet Restrictions  Infographic  - 68Online Censorship  A Global Map   Ranking of Every Country s Internet Restrictions  Infographic  - 18